Thursday, 23 May 2024 22:54

El Salvador and Saudi Arabia sign air agreement facilitating trade and tourism between both nations

Written by Denis Muñoz
El Salvador and Saudi Arabia sign air agreement facilitating trade and tourism between both nations Courtesy

Representatives of El Salvador and Saudi Arabia recently signed the Joint Negotiation Act between both nations, this agreement will facilitate the establishment of connections for passengers, cargo and mail in the short term, thus promoting trade and tourism exchange between the countries.

The representative of the Autoridad de Aviación Civil de El Salvador (AAC), Homero Morales, and the president of the Saudi Arabian Aviation Authority, Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al-Duailej, were in charge of signing the agreement at the Future Aviation Forum.

The AAC announced through its networks that this official step represents the beginning of a process that will culminate with the signing of a memorandum of understanding and an air transport agreement.


The bilateral alliance is the result of joint work between the AAC and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador. In addition, authorities from the Embassy of El Salvador in Saudi Arabia were present at the signing ceremony, underscoring the commitment and coordination between government entities to strengthen bilateral relations.

This agreement represents a significant opportunity for both nations. It will allow El Salvador to expand its air connections, facilitating the flow of passengers and goods, as well as promoting tourism and international trade. For Saudi Arabia, this agreement opens the door to new opportunities for collaboration in the aeronautical and economic fields with a Central American country.


The signing of this Joint Negotiation Act marks the beginning of a new stage in the relations between El Salvador and Saudi Arabia, reaffirming the commitment of both nations to strengthen ties of friendship and cooperation in different areas, including air transport.

It is expected that in the coming months progress will be made in the negotiations and the necessary agreements will be finalized to implement the new air routes between the two countries, thus contributing to the economic and social development of both nations.


Translated by: A.M