Tuesday, 27 July 2021 23:18

Ahorro Previsional Voluntario: Crecer's Plan Dinámico delivered good results for the first half of 2021

Written by Alondra Gutiérrez

The Plan Dinámico del Fondo de Ahorro Previsional Voluntario (APV) Crecer-Balanceado has registered positive results for clients during the first semester of 2021, despite the particularities such as the economic recovery of the country due to the health crisis caused by Covid-19.

In its first year of operation, the fund's performance has shown positive profitability results, with an annual profitability of 9.6%, according to Ingrid Segovia, investment analyst of Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (AFP) Crecer, in comparison to other products offered in the local market.

It was also highlighted that the size of the fund is US$6.5 million, the fund has a participation of almost one thousand participants, and it was pointed out that those who integrate are natural persons.

The portfolio is made up of four large blocks in which the following stand out: liquidity; among them fixed term deposits, which as of june 30, 2021 registered 10%; likewise the current account 14%, in investment distributions.

In relation to the foreign region, the fund has 50% invested in foreign markets, which means that half of this fund is invested in the country and the other half in foreign emerging markets. Likewise, for the first half of the year, the international equity is 5.5%.

The investment analyst said that the economic recovery has supported all the indexes and that this is part of the good result obtained. The Fondo APV Crecer-Balanceado  is a mechanism which seeks to allow dependent or independent individuals to save in addition to their mandatory contributions.

An important feature of this savings fund is that it has important tax benefits, among them offering active management with a moderate risk profile.

Among the requirements to access the Fondo APV Crecer Balanceado: natural person, schedule a meeting with the channel and a minimum contribution of US$250, and the fund has a 30-day permanence period. This is so that if a participant wishes to make a withdrawal, he/she can do so without any problem.