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Monday, 07 February 2022 15:24

Recommendations for acquiring a financial product or service

Written by Evelyn Alas

When you go to buy a pair of pants or a pair of shoes, you probably go to several stores, compare prices, look at the product's features, and finally decide on the one you think best meets your needs. Well, you should follow the same process when you buy a financial product or service.

Multiple options: Just as there is a wide offer of everyday products, there is also a great diversity of financial institutions that offer their products and services to individuals and companies.

There are different types of financial institutions, including banks, financial corporations, financing companies, financial cooperatives, investment companies, stockbrokers, pension funds and insurance companies.

Quote and compare: One of the first actions to be taken, almost instinctively and without thinking about it, is to compare prices and offers. It is advisable to compare the real costs and net benefits offered by the financial product or service in question. When comparing, you should take into account factors such as: Commissions: When quoting a service or financial product, it is crucial to take into account the commissions, since only then will you know how much you are really going to pay and (if applicable) what the real profit will be.

One factor that should not be forgotten when deciding on a financial product is taxes. There are products for which we will have to pay taxes and also others that can be deductible (for example, the complementary savings in the individual account or voluntary pension for retirement).

Read the contract carefully: Once we have made our comparison and gathered the necessary information that has led us to a decision, the next important step is to sign the contract.

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