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Monday, 24 July 2023 04:12

Do you have a lot of services to pay for? Organize your payments with these tips!

Written by Evelyn Alas

Paying for your utilities shouldn't be chaos, and if it is, here's the solution! With a monthly payment organizer you can control what you are going to pay for utilities or other expenses.

Organizing your monthly expenses is important to keep control of your personal finances. It is not something impossible to achieve, but it is necessary that you establish some habits to make it easier for you to pay for your services:

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1-Track your income: Start by knowing your monthly income. This includes any regular income you receive, such as your salary, additional income, rents or other sources of money.

2-Make a list of your fixed expenses: Identify your monthly fixed expenses, those that you have to pay on a recurring basis. This may include rent or mortgage, loan payments, utilities (water, electricity, gas), insurance, transportation, internet, telephone, among others. Write down each of these expenses and their respective amount.

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3-Establish a budget: Determine how much money you want to allocate to each expense category, such as food, entertainment, transportation, clothing, savings, etc.

4-Record your daily expenses: Keep track of all the expenses you make throughout the month. You can use a spreadsheet, a mobile app that specializes in personal finance, or simply a notebook. Write down each expense, the date and the corresponding amount. This will allow you to have a clear picture of your expenses and avoid surprises at the end of the month.

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5-Review and adjust your budget regularly: As you move through the month, review your spending and compare it to your initial budget. If you notice that you are spending too much in a specific category, consider adjusting your spending in other areas to maintain a balance.


Translated by: A.M

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