Thursday, 01 February 2024 04:15

MSEs confidence index reached 33.2

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Micro and small businesses have faced an environment full of uncertainties throughout 2023, which seems to be inducing a more cautious behavior in micro and small businesses.

The Government of El Salvador, through the Comisión Nacional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPE) with the support of funds from the privatization of ANTEL (FANTEL), closed the Diploma in Market Analysis.

Friday, 26 January 2024 23:29

CMI is recognized as "Empresa de Impacto 2024”

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Law and Business magazine recognized CMI's leadership as an "Empresa de Impacto 2024”for its dedication to sustainability and the well-being of its employees.

The Foreign Ministry in coordination with the Comisión Nacional de la Micro Y pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPESV), received the delegation of the Dutch company "Pura Vida", led by its founder, Santiago Acosta, which seeks to explore marketing opportunities for Salvadoran handicrafts in the Netherlands.

A meeting was held in El Salvador with representatives of the Department of International Trade of the European Union (EU Trade) to discuss issues aimed at deepening bilateral trade.

A startup is an emerging company that focuses on innovation and technology to create a scalable and disruptive business model.

The Ministry of Labor announced that the non-compliances identified in construction companies generated serious infractions which, if not corrected, would have to pay significant fines ranging between US$98 thousand and US$3.8 million.

The Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) has released the new prices of fertilizer inputs available at AGROCENTA, costs range from US$12.00 to US$35.00.

The  Asociación Cafetalera de El Salvador (ACAFESAL)  and Five Points Trading Corp. have as a short term goal to harvest around 300 thousand quintals of coffee using agroecological techniques of the 900 thousand quintals that they have estimated to produce for the next harvests.