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Friday, 11 November 2022 01:59

CONAMYPE to hold forum on exports for salvadoran MSMEs

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Comisión Nacional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPE) is organizing a forum on exports for this productive sector, which will take place on the 14th of this month.

The event, which is open for registration of participants, will take place in a renowned hotel in San Salvador, starting at 7:30 in the morning and will close at 4:00 in the afternoon.

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During the meeting, participants will be trained in the techniques to be used in the search for new marketing channels, as well as in the expansion of their businesses through exports.

The importance of betting on the development of this productive sector is that, according to the president of the institution, Paul Steiner, 98% of the country's business park corresponds to micro and small companies. 

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Among the topics to be taught are: identification of the export potential of the company, the process of adapting its products to make them exportable, as well as ways to promote the exportable offer through its digital platforms and those of CONAMYPE.

Companies wishing to participate in this colloquium for micro and small entrepreneurs, which will be directed, taught and moderated by specialists, must belong to the footwear, handicrafts, agribusiness, food or beverages, natural cosmetics and textile and clothing sectors.

Mypes con pérdidas por pandemia podrán acceder a fondo de hasta S/35,000 |  Noticias | Agencia Peruana de Noticias Andina

Those interested in participating must meet the following requirements: represent a formalized company, be motivated and have good expectations for the export of their products, in addition to having a presence through social networks or online.

Basic or intermediate knowledge of the handling and use of information and communication technologies is also required, as well as a commitment to complete the training process, which will take practically the whole day.

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