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Thursday, 20 January 2022 21:40

ANEP and OIT to launch the "Empresas a Prueba de Todo" portal

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Asociación Nacional de la Empresa Privada (ANEP) together with the International Labor Organization (ILO), announced that this week they will launch the portal which includes videos and guides, a virtual seminar to guide institutions on the management of the new wave of Covid-19.

The objective of this program is for companies to reinforce the competencies and occupational safety strategies to be implemented, so that they can make their company A Prueba de Todo and move forward to a new operational reality. The site is aimed at all types of companies, human resources and operational safety teams.

The general measures to prevent you, your family and your co-workers from being hosts of this parasitic virus, and thus reduce its ability to cause damage, are the following:

A good strategy, as long as it is not a strictly necessary activity, is to maintain interpersonal distance; avoid close contacts in: meetings, food sharing spaces and joint work stations.

In the work environment always keep in mind the possibility that the virus can be transmitted by direct or indirect contact, through surfaces contaminated with secretions that have been released by colleagues, customers, suppliers, which, through their hands can have contact with your mucosa or conjunctivae, voluntarily or not.

How is it prevented?

The most complicated task is to keep the spirit of prevention constant, because none of these barriers will be effective without the commitment of you and your colleagues, permanently, and without lowering your guard, to ensure that preventive actions are implemented for the benefit of all.

In addition, you should promote frequent hand washing, using plenty of soap and water, until lather is achieved, and after scrubbing for at least 20 seconds. Supplement with alcohol-based hand sanitizer with a minimum concentration of 70%.

Maintain a minimum safety distance of 1.5 meters when others talk, cough or sneeze; as a complement to the physical distance, use a N95/KN95 surgical or cloth mask.

With the guides you can learn how to ensure that workplaces are safe, it is the responsibility of the employer, but also of the collaborators to contribute to the reduction of any type of risk.

Orientate workers not to touch eyes, nose or mouth with dirty or potentially contaminated hands; if the person is not feeling well, he/she should stay at home, visit the clinic or social security and report.

Likewise, they will learn to identify safety competencies and skills in order to develop a better job in terms of identification, management and intervention of present risks.

The contingency and business continuity plan, broadens the preventive criteria with respect to the work to be performed and the possible cases of contagion within your organization.

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