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Thursday, 09 May 2024 03:35

Fertilizer prices decrease by 30%

Written by Alejandra García
Fertilizer prices decrease by 30% Courtesy

Ricardo Salazar, President of the Defensoría del Consumidor stated that fertilizer prices have decreased up to 30%.

This 30% decrease continues thanks to the Law approved by the Legislative Assembly, which established the "Special and Transitory Provisions to Combat Inflation in the Prices of Agricultural Inputs", with which it was intended to reduce the price of inputs for the agricultural sector by 30%.


In addition, Salazar has been emphatic in warning that he will act rigorously, making use of all the resources available under the legal framework against speculation, unjustified price increases and hoarding of products, in defense of the interests of consumers


This decrease in prices was made in the framework of the day of verification in agroservices nationwide, with the aim of maintaining an administrative control against abusive practices of 80 agricultural inputs, including fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides and foliar.

These operations, which include information requirements to suppliers of agricultural inputs dedicated to the import, distribution, and marketing, are carried out simultaneously nationwide, said Salazar.


At the same time, he has urged citizens to exercise their right to denounce so that in case of detecting unjustified increases in food prices they proceed to notify it through the telephone number 910 and WhatsApp 7844-1482.

The government pointed out that more than 200 agroservices will be inspected nationwide.


Translated by: A.M

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