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Wednesday, 08 June 2022 04:06

MAG and Rural Adelante provide US$24,800 in financing to 34 farming families

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG), together with the Rural Adelante program, granted financing of more than US$24,800 and new agricultural technology to 34 families of the Asociación Cooperativa De Producción Artesanal y Comercialización Planta Comunitaria De Compostaje EL TIZATE de Responsabilidad Limitada (ACOMPOST de R.L.), who produce tomatoes in a staggered manner with better results, supplying the demand of the municipality.

The program's technical trainings have taught them how to make seedbeds, seed selection, plant maintenance through nutrient formulas, market research and crop variation.

Marina Claros, vice president of ACOMPOST de R.L., said that this is the first experience with a greenhouse in which they have tomato, and in the macro tunnels they will have chili, cabbage and carrots. With the net houses we can control crop pests, it is a great benefit for us and we hope to take advantage of them.

The diversification of crops and high production with the use of new agricultural technologies , in the face of the effects of climate change are part of the purposes of Rural Adelante, which benefits the communities of the Dry Corridor.

The greenhouse is 300 m2 with 360 tanks, the production technology is hydroponics, and has a control house to send the necessary nutrients to the tomato plants.

The irrigation programming of the control house is decisive for the fertilization of the plant, whose changes are generated according to the growth of the crop to reach 10 to 12 jabas of tomato per week, which are marketed in the same municipality.

Given the benefits of the MAG program, which is supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the cooperative is grateful for the agricultural growth of the area, and hopes that it will continue to expand to reach many more salvadoran families.

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