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Tuesday, 27 June 2023 03:43

Prices of a gallon of super gasoline and diesel increase US$0.03 and regular gasoline decreases US$0.03

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Dirección General de Energía, Hidrocarburos Minas (DGEHM), informs salvadorans that fuel prices will increase up to US$0.03 for super gasoline and diesel, while regular gasoline will decrease US$0.03 per gallon. The reference prices will be in effect as of tuesday, june 27, 2023.

For people who purchase super gasoline in the central zone the gallon will be priced at US$4.40, regular at US$4.13 and diesel at US$3.61.

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For salvadorans who travel in the western zone, super gasoline will cost US$4.41, regular US$4.14 and diesel US$3.62 per gallon.

In the eastern zone the value of this input will be US$4.45 per gallon for premium, US$4.18 for regular and US$3.66 for diesel.

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Brent and West Texas Intermediate registered a slight fall of a little less than one percent in their prices; 0.39% for Brent and 0.50% for WTI. On a weekly basis, both benchmarks fell by more than 3.5 percent.

A barrel of Brent crude is trading at US$73.85, while West Texas Intermediate is at US$69.16.

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The external factors influencing costs, according to the institution, is the weekly report of the International Energy Agency (IEA), which reported decreases in oil reserves affecting international hydrocarbon prices.

The Chinese Central Bank reported a decrease in interest rates for all types of credits, in order to dynamize the economy, influencing the perspective of oil consumption and its derivatives in the international market.


Translated by: A.M

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