The XXVII meeting of the Grupo de Estabilidad Financiera Regional (GEFR) brought together financial experts to evaluate Central America’s banking and economic stability. At this meeting, representatives of central banks and superintendencies analyzed risks, financial performance, and strategies to strengthen the regional banking system.

The event, organized by the Secretaría del Consejo Monetario Centroamericano(SECMCA) and the Consejo Centroamericano de Superintendencias de Bancos, Seguros y Otras Instituciones Financieras (CCSBSO), was held at the Banco Central de Honduras. . El Salvador took part in the discussions, presenting its progress and challenges in the financial area.

In this context, key banking indicators and strategies to strengthen economic stability in the country and throughout Central America were reviewed. During the meeting, the preliminary results of the Regional Financial Stability Report 2024 were presented.

Luis Ortiz, SECMCA economist, presented the key findings and led the analysis of the banking situation in each country, including El Salvador, which highlighted its financial progress.

The GEFR, made up of technicians from central banks and superintendencies in the region, is responsible for coordinating efforts to strengthen financial stability. This initiative stems from the 2014 Cooperation Agreement, consolidating a regional vision for strengthening the banking system.

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