Nestlé promotes an environment where diversity and gender equity are fundamental pillars for the growth and development of the organization and the country, with the conviction that a diverse culture contributes to the creation of value in society.
This year’s Women’s Day is recognized globally under the slogan “Accelerate Action”, which is a call to take immediate action to achieve progress towards the goal of gender parity in the world.

According to data from the World Economic Forum, at the current rate of progress, it will be necessary to wait five more generations to achieve full gender parity. Faced with this reality, Nestlé drives gender equality through programs and policies designed to foster an inclusive and equitable work environment. This includes the implementation of succession plans, mentoring programs, and a fair and equal remuneration policy.
“From Nestlé El Salvador, we reaffirm our commitment to promoting an inclusive environment, where every woman can reach her full potential without limitations or prejudice and where talent and leadership are recognized without gender distinction, thus accelerating actions towards a more equitable and balanced future for all”, expressed, Andrés Calatroni, General Manager of Nestlé El Salvador.

Leadership that makes a difference
An example of these equitable and inclusive practices within Nestlé is the story of Karla Ramos, a 26-year-old salvadoran graduate of Electronic Engineering, who currently works as a coffee machine technician at Nestlé Professional, a technical position where men have predominated, being the first woman in this position.
For Karla, challenging stereotypes became, since her time as an engineering student, an opportunity for growth and empowerment. “The only way to overcome it is to demonstrate the skills and abilities that have been acquired, as well as to have a more open and empathetic communication to diminish doubts and generate more confidence towards what we women are capable of doing”, she expressed.
“Having the opportunity to be part of the Nestlé family has challenged me and allowed me to learn and put my skills into practice within my current position. It motivates me to face each challenge in the best way possible with the help of my leaders, the most important thing being all the knowledge and learning I am gaining”, she concluded. Currently, Karla is a mentor in groups of women engineering students where she now shares her experience of success and motivates other women to work towards their goals.
Leadership that makes a difference
An example of these equitable and inclusive practices within Nestlé is the story of Karla Ramos, a 26 year old salvadoran, an Electronics Engineering graduate, who is currently working as a coffee machine technician at Nestlé Professional, a technical position where men have predominated, being the first woman in this position.
By 2025 Nestlé El Salvador has a gender balance index of 54% women and 46% men; where 54% of women occupy leadership positions.
At the regional level, Nestlé is a pioneer in extended parental leave, to consider the primary caregiver, promoting inclusive policies that favor gender equity. It also practices flextime and telecommuting, to include remote work options and flexible schedules, allowing for a better work-life balance. In addition, it has joined global causes and entities that seek to contribute to building a more just, equitable and diverse society.
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