The Dirección de Obras Municipales (DOM) completed the third day of the fumigation day against the mosquito that transmits dengue fever, in coordination with prisoners in a trust phase. In this new day, the fumigation teams expanded their coverage in different communities of the country.
The brigades reached Colonia Santísima Trinidad and San Salvador Centro, as well as Colonia Llano Verde in Ilopango. They also intervened in sectors such as Cantón El Sauce and Caserío Los Amates in San Martín, as well as Caserío El Amate and Potrerito, in Cantón Tutultepeque, Nejapa. In La Paz, actions focused on Colonia 27 de Septiembre, in Zacatecoluca.

For the second consecutive year, the DOM has deployed more than 1,000 vector control assistants to execute the National Fumigation Plan. This strategy seeks to eradicate the mosquito that transmits dengue, zika and chikungunya, and is being developed in conjunction with the Ministerio de Salud (Minsal).

The first phase of the plan includes the simultaneous deployment in 32 districts of the country, 19 of them in the department of San Salvador. In addition to fumigation, the plan seeks to raise awareness among the population about the importance of eliminating breeding sites, carry out cleaning activities and prevent the proliferation of mosquitoes.

The DOM reiterated the call to the population to allow the entrance of the fumigation brigades to homes, communities, health units, stores, churches, markets and vacant lots. The commitment of the authorities is to continue with these campaigns to reduce the impact of mosquito-borne diseases in the country.

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