Pacamara coffee, one of the most emblematic varieties of El Salvador, continues to gain recognition in international markets, boosting exports and strengthening the national economy. During the commemoration of Pacamara Coffee Day at the National Palace, it was highlighted that in the 2023-2024 coffee fiscal year, El Salvador exported 582,681 quintals of coffee, generating more than US$133 million in income.

The vice minister of Diaspora and Human Mobility, Cindy Mariella Portal, highlighted the importance of salvadoran coffee in the global arena, highlighting its versatility and its presence in 80% of coffee blends worldwide. Through the “El Salvador Renace” initiative, the salvadoran foreign service has promoted Pacamara in strategic markets such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Norway, England and Ecuador.

The president of the Instituto Salvadoreño del Café (ISC), Mauricio Sansivirini, emphasized that this variety, developed in the 1950s, is a jewel of salvadoran coffee growing. Its fruity flavor profile and bright citric acidity have captured the attention of international experts and consumers, reinforcing its potential as a premium export product.

The event was attended by various authorities and members of the diplomatic corps, who recognized the efforts of coffee-growing families in the production of Pacamara. The importance of continuing to strengthen the coffee industry with governmental support and international promotion strategies to consolidate the presence of Salvadoran coffee in high value markets was also highlighted.

With a strategy focused on economic diplomacy and the positioning of national products, El Salvador seeks to promote Pacamara coffee as an engine of economic growth. Its quality, prestige and demand abroad make it a key element for the diversification of exports and the generation of greater opportunities for the coffee sector.
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