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Saturday, 04 May 2024 04:46

Defensoría del Consumidor activates operation on Mother's Day

Written by Denis Muñoz
Defensoría del Consumidor activates operation on Mother's Day Courtesy

The Defensoría del Consumidor (DC) activated this friday a broad surveillance operation and approach of services nationwide, to protect the rights of consumers and the family economy in view of the increase in commercial activity on the occasion of Mother's Day.

The plan deployed by the Defensoría del Consumidor includes the verification of promotions and offers, as well as the advertising of goods and services in the different establishments and electronic commerce to prevent damages to the consumers' pockets and their rights.

The president of the Defensoría del Consumidor, Ricardo Salazar, at the head of the first of the operations in Metrocentro of San Salvador, informed that fixed points of attention for consumers have been deployed, which have been installed in the main commercial centers of the country where the citizenship will be able to have information services, advice, and attention to complaints.


Likewise, Salazar emphasized that the inspection teams will verify, among other provisions of the Consumer Protection Law (LPC), that stores deliver and respect the guarantees, prices in sight, and that the charges made at the cash register correspond to the price informed to the consumer, as well as the labeling of expiration of food products and their validity.

The head of the Defensoría, who led the verifications, verified in Metrocentro of San Salvador, together with the inspection teams, the compliance with the promotions and offers of products, goods, and services, which are usually given away during this commercial season of high consumption.


The president of the Defensoría, Ricardo Salazar, urges the population to report any irregularities or non-compliance with offers and promotions, or price abuses.


Translated by: A.M

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