The Government of El Salvador through the Comisión Ejecutiva Hidroeléctrica del Río Lempa (CEL) signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Ministry of Energy and Mines of the Dominican Republic to strengthen the studies of hydrocarbon potential in El Salvador.

The agreement was signed between CEL’s president, Daniel Álvarez, and the Minister of Energy and Mines, Joel Santos Echeverría, during the Ninth Energy Week, organized by the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE) in Asunción, Paraguay.
“This is an agreement that responds to the vision of our President Nayib Bukele to promote the exploration of subsoil natural resources such as hydrocarbons, in order to guarantee the future energy security of salvadorans”, said Daniel Álvarez, during the signing of the Agreement.
The agreement will provide the basis for El Salvador to formulate proposals on environmental permits and authorizations for the hydrocarbon exploration process based on the Dominican Republic’s experience; it will also allow the systematization and exchange of experiences, information and technology between both countries, in addition to having updated knowledge in this area.

On our part and due to the experience that our country has, CEL will support the Dominican Republic to create opportunities for the development of geothermal energy. Our professionals will be transferring detailed information and exhaustive analysis; as well as experiences and good practices to promote this type of generation.
We are sure that this commitment acquired between both nations will be of great benefit for energy development and consequently for economic growth.