The Centro Nacional de Registros (CNR) has launched the portal “Crea Empresa”, a platform designed to simplify and streamline the process of business formalization in El Salvador. Camilo Trigueros, Executive Director of the CNR, highlighted that this initiative seeks to benefit traders by reducing the complexity of the procedures required to incorporate companies, either for individuals or legal entities.

“Crea Empresa” allows all the procedures required for the formalization of businesses to be carried out online. The services available include the registration of incorporation of companies, registration of companies and establishments, as well as the filing of initial balance sheets and obtaining identification numbers such as the NIT, NRC and employer identification number.
The platform is designed to support various types of merchants, including Corporations (SA), Simplified Joint Stock Companies (SAS), Limited Liability Companies (RL), partnerships, limited partnerships by shares, simple limited partnerships, cooperatives and mixed economy companies, as well as individuals who wish to formalize their business activities.

Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, “Crea Empresa” promises to facilitate access to business formalization through the link creaempresa.gob.sv, thus contributing to the development and strengthening of the business sector in El Salvador.