The Defensoría del Consumidor has reported a significant increase in the number of services provided during the current year, with a total of 83,576 services offered from january to august. Ricardo Salazar, president of the institution, highlighted the continuous effort since its creation, underlining that this work has intensified under the current government.
During the celebration of the 19th anniversary of the Defensoría del Consumidor Salazar emphasized the crucial role of non-face-to-face means of attention, such as social networks and other electronic platforms. In 2019, these avenues accounted for 27% of the attentions; however, by 2024, this percentage has increased to 42%. This change reflects a significant adaptation to new technologies and consumer demands.

Salazar attributes the increase in services to the development and expansion of service mechanisms. Initially, the institution had between 25 and 27 service mechanisms, but currently has more than 70, including virtual services that allow salvadorans abroad to access the Defensoría del Consumidor through consulates.
Statistics reveal a remarkable growth in the capacity of the Defensoría to serve the population. In 2019, when President Nayib Bukele’s administration began, 79,872 attentions were registered. This figure grew to 125,130 in 2023, and is projected to surpass last year’s numbers by the end of 2024.

The president of the Defensoría del Consumidor is confident that the increase in services will continue, reflecting not only the greater demand for services, but also the success of the modernization and expansion of the service delivery mechanisms implemented in recent years.