El Salvador becomes for the first time the host of the XIV Forum of Governmental Treasuries of Latin America (FOTEGAL 2024) and the X Forum of Governmental Accounting Offices of Latin America (FOCAL). This event is a fundamental platform for the exchange of experiences and the strengthening of financial management in the region.

The Minister of Finance, Jerson Posada, inaugurated the forum highlighting the importance of these meetings to share knowledge in key areas such as treasury and government accounting. “We are proud to host forums of global relevance, reaffirming the commitment of the Government of El Salvador to promote capacity building in these areas”, said Posada.
Through FOCAL, we seek to generate study spaces focused on the construction and innovation of human talent in finance and accounting. This approach is essential to face current and future challenges, promoting continuous learning that benefits the participating institutions.

FOTEGAL’s president, Vice Minister Juan Murillo, also underscored the relevance of these forums for sharing critical knowledge. Murillo emphasized that the realization of this event was possible thanks to the security policies implemented by the Government, which have allowed an environment conducive to the development of initiatives such as this one.

Financial management requires constant development of treasuries and accounting offices. Therefore, these annual seminars are vital to update knowledge, identify advances and challenges, and share experiences that contribute to the continuous improvement of public services throughout Latin America.