The Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería (DGME) has reported a significant increase in the migratory flow during the end of the year festivities, particularly at El Salvador’s International Airport. The country’s main air terminal alone registered a daily entry of more than 7,000 people, totaling 70,830 travelers between december 21 and 25, which ratifies its position as the main entry and exit gateway to and from the salvadoran territory.
As part of the projections for the season, the institution estimates that between december 1 and january 5, 2025, 1.8 million migratory movements will be registered through land, sea and air borders, reflecting an increase of 13% compared to the same period in 2023. To meet this demand, more than 450 immigration officers have been deployed with 24/7 services and tools such as pre-check-in to expedite procedures.

International tourism has been a fundamental pillar in this growth, with visitors from Guatemala, the United States, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador and other countries in the Americas and Europe. This year, El Salvador has managed to consolidate itself as an attractive destination thanks to promotional strategies and improved security that have transformed the international perception of the country.
The director of Migration, Ricardo Cucalón, highlighted that 2024 has been a spectacular year for tourism and mobility in El Salvador, attributing this success to the articulated work of the Government under the leadership of President Nayib Bukele. “El Salvador has become the safest country on the continent, which attracts more and more visitors from all over the world”, he said.

In addition to air traffic, land borders have registered a high dynamism, with thousands of travelers enjoying their vacations in the country. The DGME remains committed to efficiency and quality of service, reaffirming its commitment to position El Salvador as a reference in tourism and development in the region.