El Salvador has achieved an important improvement in its international credit rating. Fitch Ratings upgraded the country’s long-term foreign currency rating from CCC+ to B-, granting it a stable outlook. According to President Nayib Bukele, this progress is the result of the sound economic decisions implemented by his government.
The improvement reflects a significant reduction in the country’s financing needs, as well as an easing of financial constraints due to access to international markets. In addition, the recent program announced with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has contributed to consolidate confidence in salvadoran public finances.

According to Fitch Ratings, the advance is also supported by a well-structured economic policy, an active fiscal strategy, and the attraction of foreign investment. This credit rating upgrade underscores El Salvador’s stability and commitment to the efficient management of its external debt.
The support of institutions such as the IMF, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and CAF – Development Bank of Latin America has also been key to this achievement. These alliances have allowed the country to improve its access to international financing and strengthen its position in global markets.