For the second consecutive year, La Constancia, Fundación Teletón and MOVES El Salvador, launch the road safety campaign for motorcyclists “Vos no sos el Superhombre” to reduce road accident rates in the country. This year new allies have joined the campaign.
In order to raise awareness among motorcyclists in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador about the importance of taking proper precautions when using their motorcycles to avoid accidents; La Constancia, Fundación Teletón and MOVES El Salvador, join forces again for the second year to launch the road safety campaign “Vos no sos el Superhombre”.

“Vos no sos el Superhombre” is a simple and direct invitation to be prudent on the road and invites to reflect that the ‘indestructible Superman’ does not exist, but that the real ‘Superman’ is the one who has applied safety measures correctly and manages to get home without accidents.

The campaign seeks to educate, through stories of 2 friendly characters: “El Superhombre” and “El Reflexivo”, who talk about the risks of motorcyclists: Distracted driving, not keeping the corresponding distance, not respecting speed limits and not using certified and complete protective equipment.
“At La Constancia we want to be an agent of positive change in promoting road safety. Our determination comes from a genuine desire to contribute to a safer road environment for all. We are once again promoting this campaign, committed to fostering a culture of responsibility and mutual care on our roads. We have ongoing road safety training on our own routes, and we seek to collaborate on safe streets”, said Javier Benavides, La Constancia’s reputation and sustainability manager.

“According to data from the National Road Safety Observatory, there is an average of 9 motorcycle accidents per day and in 90% of the cases, people are injured and need rehabilitation and medical assistance. At the Fundación Teletón we are a Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center for people with physical disabilities that provides free care throughout the country. In fact, in 2023 we will provide more than 118,000 free services for more than 6,900 families. Currently, a percentage of our users have acquired the disability as a result of motorcycle accidents, so for us it is very important to create campaigns that promote life, safety, mutual respect and prevent accidents that can have serious consequences”, Mónica de Samayoa, Executive Director of the Fundación Teletón.

According to the National Road Safety Observatory of El Salvador, there are 1,827,115 vehicles in the current vehicle fleet, of which 597,000 are motorcycles.

“It is very important to train drivers very well as this makes road safety solid. Good driver training should not only focus on the ability to drive a vehicle, but also on understanding traffic rules, signaling, and the basics of road safety, regulations, laws, etc.”, Vanessa Rubio, Executive Director of MOVES.
The campaign was inaugurated at the Teleton Merliot Rehabilitation Center, with a free workshop dedicated to more than 50 motorcyclists, with the participation of representatives of driving clubs, national and international federations of motorcyclists and personalities from the industry. The campaign “Vos no sos el Superhombre” will last approximately 3 months and consists of different communication efforts, including a practical guide to prevent road accidents.

This campaign is an initiative led by La Constancia, with the support of the AB InBev, Fundación Teletón and MOVES El Salvador, who highlight the importance of preventing accidents through everyday actions.