With 57 votes, the deputies of the Legislative Assembly approved the reorientation of US$2,300,000 to the Banco de Fomento Agropecuario (BFA) to capitalize the Fideicomiso Especial del Sector Agropecuario del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (FIDEAGRO).
This will allow more than 15,000 national producers to continue receiving benefits, since the BFA will be able to maintain the credit programs and compensations for the agricultural sector.
To this end, in the 28th plenary session, the legislators approved reforming the 2024 Budget Law, in the part corresponding to Agriculture and Livestock.
“This is a redirection of funds that already has a precedent, since in 2000 the relevant procedures were carried out to create FIDEAGRO, which would have the objective of managing the portfolio of credits it acquires and placing the product of its recoveries in loans to the agricultural sector”, said parliamentarian Giovanny Zaldaña.
Currently, the Government has the objective of recovering the economy and this includes the recovery of agriculture and the stimulation of the national productive chain, to guarantee the quality of life of all inhabitants, through the generation of jobs, access to credits for production, provision of inputs, transfer of technologies, technical training, among other aspects.
With the modification to the regulations, the BFA will be able to maintain the credit programs and compensations to producers of basic grains, vegetables, fruits, fishing and livestock.
The implementation of the Master Plan for Agricultural Rescue to promote the development and reactivation of this sector will continue and this production will become a more profitable and efficient sector, promoting a culture of competitiveness and resilience to climate change.