In the framework of the Salvadoran Trade Unionists Day, the Unidad Sindical Salvadoreña (USS), which groups most of the recognized trade union organizations in the country, requested the Ministry of Labor the creation of a permanent dialogue table. This platform would seek to address the needs of workers and promote their rights in a context of labor transformation.
During the commemorative event, the USS highlighted the importance of this date, dedicated to those who fought for rights such as the eight-hour workday and improvements in social security and wages. “It is a day to honor those who gave their lives for a more just society”, union representatives pointed out.
In its speech, the USS presented an agenda with proposals such as a 30% increase in the minimum wage, labor stability and respect for the agreements of the International Labor Organization (ILO). In addition, they asked for improvements in pensions and the fulfillment of scales in sectors such as health and education.
The minister of Labor, Rolando Castro, attended the event and showed his support for the unions’ demands, pledging to take their requests to the Presidential House and to President Nayib Bukele. “This request will be heard at the highest levels of decision making”, Castro assured.
The official also stressed that the union movement must modernize and face challenges in a globalized labor environment. “Unionization must bet on a generational change and greater professional preparation”, he said.