The MERCO Reputation Monitor has included Crecer among the 100 companies with the best reputation in El Salvador in its first edition of the Ranking of Companies with the Best Corporate Reputation in the country. In addition, the company stood out by being positioned in the top 3 of the Pensions and Insurance category.

Merco (Monitor Empresarial de Reputación Corporativa) is the main reference in Latin America for the evaluation of the reputation of companies, a task it has been carrying out since 2000. Its multi-stakeholder methodology is based on six evaluations and more than 20 sources of information.
Crecer has built a solid track record in terms of reputation, both as a savings and investment manager and as a member of society, consolidating itself as a leading company in the financial sector in El Salvador.
Crecer’s reputation, leadership and strength have not only been recognized in the MERCO ranking. Thanks to its experience in wealth management, Crecer has been recognized by the risk rating agency Fitch, which awarded it an EAA+ rating, highlighting its management capacity, adequate risk management and strength in the market.
Additionally, Crecer was considered Love Mark in the ranking of Estrategia y Negocios magazine in 2024. As a corporate citizen, the company has promoted various initiatives that boost the employability of young people and other vulnerable groups, financial education and support for projects aimed at senior citizens.

Appearing in the MERCO ranking as one of the companies with the best reputation in 2024 is yet another achievement that Crecer has attained in recent years. The company has received several awards and has participated in various rankings, reaffirming its strong position in the salvadoran financial market.
Regarding the recognition granted by MERCO, Ingrid Rodas, Clients and Brand Manager of Crecer, said: “This recognition motivates us to continue working to consolidate our leadership in the financial market of El Salvador, as a way to correspond to the preference of our customers and the commitment of our employees, always acting with strict adherence to the law, ethics, complying with our corporate governance and striving to provide better service to all our customers and users”.
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