Grupo Bimbo, the leading global bakery, appears for the second consecutive time in the list of “The World’s Best Companies”, made by Time magazine and the market research provider, Statista. The company stands out for being in the top 3 of mexican companies and for appearing in 127th place out of 1,000 globally.
The “World’s Best Companies 2024” ranking is a comprehensive analysis conducted to identify the best-performing companies worldwide. They are selected based on three main dimensions:
Employee satisfaction: surveys were conducted in more than 50 countries, with data collected from approximately 170,000 participants. The assessment covered direct and indirect company recommendations, as well as employer assessments in the dimensions of image, environment, working conditions, pay and equality by verified employees.

Revenue growth: considered companies generating revenue of at least US$100 million in 2023 and demonstrating positive revenue growth between 2021 and 2023.
Sustainability (ESG): evaluated based on ESG data among standardized KPIs from Statista’s ESG Database and specific data research.
Belonging to this list reinforces Grupo Bimbo’s reputation as a company with exceptional performance at a global level.

The “World’s Best Companies” ranking includes companies from diverse industries such as retail, manufacturing, engineering, automotive, services, among others, appearing at the top of the list: Microsoft, Apple, Alphabet, Meta, Accenture, Pfizer, and more.
For the list of “The World’s Best Companies” visit: https://time.com/collection/worlds-best-companies-2024/