This congress was held as part of the celebration of World Savings Day and was attended by more than 1,000 people including members, customers, representatives of the Credit Unions and Workers’ Banks members of SISTEMA FEDECREDITO, students from universities in the country, representatives of national organizations, entrepreneurs of micro, small and medium enterprises, as well as different media.

Among the specialists who were part of the event were: Moris Dieck, financial advisor and business strategy consultant, who gave the keynote speech “Savings: The key to your new financial life”. Ricardo Monterroza, specialist in finance, business rescue and business management, also participated with the presentation: “Cash flow: The essential tool to promote savings in micro and small businesses”. There was also a panel forum entitled “The importance of savings for MSEs”, made up of various institutions that addressed this topic, highlighting how savings have become a crucial resource for this sector.

The SISTEMA FEDECRÉDITO highlights the importance of World Savings Day as an opportunity to reflect on the need to manage money efficiently and responsibly. For this reason, it places special interest in offering products and services focused on savings, such as the traditional Savings Account, the Children’s Savings Account, the Programmed Savings Account, as well as the option of contracting a Time Deposit, all exclusively for members. In addition, it has created other options for saving with even more accessible opening amounts focused on segments with specific characteristics.

Following the objective of banking all salvadorans, SISTEMA FEDECRÉDITO has put special interest in expanding its coverage, currently having more than 850 points of attention in 195 districts of El Salvador, being the financial network with greater coverage in the country.

“World Savings Day provides us with an invaluable opportunity to reflect on the challenges facing El Salvador in terms of savings, and to promote, from the SISTEMA FEDECRÉDITO , solutions that help people improve their financial health. Saving is the basis for facing unforeseen events and building a more stable future for families and communities, which is why we are pleased to develop this type of initiative and contribute through our products and services to help more salvadorans put into practice the culture of saving”, said Claudia Abrego de Méndez, Communications Manager of FEDECRÉDITO.