For the second consecutive year, La Constancia, Fundación Teletón and MOVES El Salvador, launch the road safety...
Breaking News
The Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador (BCR) together with the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI),...
The Comisión Ejecutiva Portuaria Autónoma (CEPA) has reported a remarkable growth in the activity of El Salvador’s...
This morning, the Dirección de Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minas (DGEHM) continued to carry out a day of...
In july 2024, salvadoran imports showed a slight increase of 0.7%, reaching a total of US$9.132.5 million....
Huawei, UNESCO and salvadoran Government celebrate the Semillas para el Futuro 2024 Summit

3 min read
Alonso Zuniga / Photographer / Producer The Government of El Salvador, UNESCO and Huawei, a global leader...
The Minister of Economy of El Salvador, María Luisa Hayem, recently received the Minister of Foreign Trade...
The Instituto Salvadoreño del Café (ISCAFE), in collaboration with the Agencia Italiana de Cooperación para el Desarrollo...
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador, in conjunction with the Investment and Export Promotion Agency...
In an effort to ensure transparency and protect the economy of salvadoran families, the Dirección General de...