Coffee from El Salvador, known worldwide for its unique flavors and fragrances, has found a new home...
The Dirección General de Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minas (DGEHM) has announced a significant reduction in the reference...
There are various types of economy that countries adopt to organize and manage their resources. Each of...
Purchasing new household items may be a necessity, but without proper planning, it can lead to over-indebtedness....
El Salvador’s Centro de Trámites de Importaciones y Exportaciones (CIEX) has approved more than 372 new importers...
The 35% increase in government debt held by banks between 2012 and 2023, reported by the World...
In the most recent report of the Banco Central de Reserva of El Salvador, it is reported...
The Dirección de Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minas (DGEHM) presented the results of the project “Certification of Professionals...
In august 2024, El Salvador’s Ministry of Finance reported a decrease in tax revenues, with a drop...
In 2024, El Salvador has experienced a notable increase in credit expansion, driven by increased demand in...