Pollo Campestre, the favorite brand of salvadorans, celebrated the beginning of the Christmas season with a magical...
In a vibrant day that brought together the best teams of the season, the grand final of...
A wednesday of Joy! With all the excitement of the LOTRA Sweepstakes N°382, an edition dedicated to...
The Government of President Nayib Bukele inaugurated, on wednesday afternoon, the Tourist Pier of the Port of...
18 November, 2024
The mexican trio Reik dazzled the night of saturday, november 16 at the Complejo del Estadio Cuscatlán,...
The Museo de los Niños proudly celebrates 25 years of being a great reference for learning and...
On friday night, november 15, El Salvador vibrated to the rhythm of the music of Kim Loaiza,...
Throughout the week, Tombolita and Fovialito, have traveled to different parts of the country with the twentieth...
The Estadio Jorge «Mágico» González was the epicenter of a magical and unforgettable night. The legendary bachata...
This wednesday was held the LOTRA N°379, in honor of the 60th Anniversary of Canal 10, emblematic...