The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Glasswing International launched Jóvenes Unidos, a youth volunteer service initiative that will work directly with 3,700 young people in Santa Ana, San Salvador and San Miguel, in partnership with Fundación Salvador del Mundo (FUSALMO) and Asociación Salvadoreña Pro Salud Rural (ASAPROSAR).
With a five-year duration and a $20.2 million investment ($10 million from USAID and $10.2 million from the private sector), Jóvenes Unidos is part of the Cuerpo de Servicio Centroamericano (CASC), an initiative that U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris launched in june 2022 to promote the development of youth in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras and enhance their sense of belonging, resilience, and capacity to make meaningful contributions to their communities.
Jóvenes Unidos participants will complete a year of service in three phases: (1) academic, technical and soft skills training; (2) six-month community service internship; and (3) transitional support to advance their education, connect with jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities, and continue their civic engagement at the end of the experience. During their training, participants will receive stipends and other support to successfully complete their process.
In this way, Jóvenes Unidos will address the diverse challenges facing salvadoran youth with a strong focus on inclusion, reaching out to young women and men, as well as people with disabilities.
In addition, Jóvenes Unidos will coordinate the support of youth organizations, civil society, the private sector, central and municipal government, development banks and other donors to provide community services, social impact experiences and complementary services such as training and mentoring, technical assistance, incentives, use of facilities, education and financing, among other areas that will promote the active participation of youth and the development of their life plans.
The launch of Jóvenes Unidos was chaired by USAID Mission Director in El Salvador, Christopher Cushing; Glasswing International co-founder and President, Celina de Sola; and the Chief of Early Childhood of the Office of the First Lady, Alexandra Posada.