In a joint effort to bring joy and hope to hospitalized children during this Christmas season, the Fundación La Niñez Primero, in alliance with Juguetón, Fundación Gloria Kriete, Fundación Rafael Meza Ayau and Fundación LOLO, delivered more than 1,800 toys to the Ludotecas NAVES Hospitalarias of the Hospital Benjamín Bloom, San Rafael de Santa Tecla and San Juan de Dios hospitals in Santa Ana.
This initiative was possible thanks to the Toy Collection Campaign, developed with the support of Juguetón and the valuable donations of its customers, who with their generosity made the dream of giving a gift to hospitalized children come true. Since 2007, Juguetón and Fundación La Niñez Primero have worked together to alleviate the stay of children in hospitals, delivering toys that foster smiles and contribute to the emotional well-being of patients.
“Every child deserves to enjoy the Christmas spirit, no matter the circumstances. This joint effort is an example of how partnerships can generate a positive impact on our society, bringing joy and hope to those who need it most. This year, as part of our 20th anniversary commemorative activities, we at Fundación Gloria Kriete reaffirm our commitment to transform lives and join together to create a more hopeful future”, said Juana Jule, executive director of Fundación Gloria Kriete.
Edgardo Flores, executive director of the Fundación La Niñez Primero said: “This delivery represents much more than just a toy; it is a symbol of hope, love and the commitment of those who believe in the power of play to turn difficult moments into joy. We are deeply grateful to all those who made it possible to bring these smiles to the children of Hospital Bloom and other hospital centers in the country”.
Juguetón, with 25 years of experience in El Salvador, has positioned itself as one of the most important toy stores in the country. With more than 20,000 products in its catalog, Juguetón continues to be a special place where parents and children enjoy a dedicated service and an environment designed to explore, test and enjoy a wide variety of toys.
Fundación La Niñez Primero, founded in 2002, works to promote children’s right to play and recreation, impacting their physical, social and emotional development. With the support of strategic allies such as Fundación Gloria Kriete, Fundación Rafael Meza Ayau and Fundación LOLO, this organization leads innovative programs through five types of Ludotecas NAVES: mobile, school, therapeutic, early childhood and hospital, benefiting thousands of children throughout the country.