The Corporación de Exportadores de El Salvador COEXPORT has highlighted a significant increase in salvadoran exports. Within traditional products, coffee stood out with a 58.0% growth, totaling US$22.9 million, while sugar reached US$60.1 million, with an increase of 7.1%. On the other hand, non-traditional exports increased by 9.5%, totaling US$896.3 million. In this segment, shipments to Central America grew by 14.7%, totaling US$543.1 million, and those destined outside the region increased by 24%.

Despite the positive outlook, the maquila sector faced a significant drop. Its exports fell by 20.9%, totaling US$117.7 million, due to the low demand for textiles. Exports of T-shirts alone, the main product in this sector, fell by 26.7%, totaling US$84.5 million.

In terms of export destinations, the United States, El Salvador’s main trading partner, recorded a 37% decrease, reaching US$350.3 million, representing 51.9% of total exports. In addition, shipments to China (-22.6%), Mexico (-55%), Chile (-73.8%) and Taiwan (-94%) fell, reflecting a challenge in market diversification.

El Salvador has registered a growth in exports during the first months of 2025, reaching a total of US$1,097.0 million, representing an increase of 5.7% in value and 2.8% in volume compared to the same period of the previous year. This positive performance has been driven mainly by traditional products and non-traditional exports outside the region.
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