The Defensoría del Consumidor (DC) assisted 8,611 salvadorans and recovered US$461,736.55 in favor of 1,016 consumers who filed complaints before the institution during the Christmas and New Year holidays. During the execution of the Christmas plan, the Defensoría provided information services, advice and attention to complaints and executed a total of 1,019 inspections to protect consumers.
In this regard, the CD reported that the verification of compliance with the main provisions of the Consumer Protection Law (LPC) and other regulations, many of which were carried out by undercover delegated personnel, showed a compliance of 85.38% of the total inspections carried out and 14.62% with findings of non-compliance, mainly for making undue charges, violating the right to information on complaint mechanisms, scales without vignette and energy efficiency labeling of refrigerators, as well as breach of warranties, among others. The 149 inspections with non-compliance will be sent to the Sanctioning Court of the CD, so that it may resolve as appropriate.

The CD highlighted that of the US$461,736.55 recovered in favor of consumers, 65% of these refunds are headed by suppliers of the financial sector with more than US$314,900, in favor of 660 users; vehicles for an amount of US$44,200; appliances, furniture and household items, for an amount of US$26,400, which benefited 72 consumers; and the tourism sector, for US$23,900 dollars, in favor of 17 consumers.

The CD also detailed that 81% of the services provided to consumers were concentrated in financial services (2,809; 30%), followed by services (2,449; 29%); telecommunications (775; 9%); appliances and household items (686; 8%); and electric energy (251; 3%).
In 84% of the cases, the reasons for this attention were breach of contract or offer in 3,657 cases (42%); improper charges, fees and commissions in 1,948 cases (23%); over-indebtedness (payment plan management) in 764 cases (9%); poor quality of the product or service, which reported 616 cases (7%); and violation of the right to a guarantee, which registered 331 cases (4%).
In effect, the Defensoría not only verified compliance with the consumer’s right to a guarantee, but also with other provisions of the Consumer Protection Law (LPC), the Credit Card System Law (LSTC) and the Salvadoran Technical Regulation (RTS Metrology. Non-automatic weighing instruments (scales), as well as energy efficiency labeling regulations for refrigerators.

The inspection teams verified the non-automatic weighing instruments (scales) to ensure that such equipment has the current certification issued by the Metrology Research Center (CIM), so that consumers receive the net content of the food that is weighed with these instruments in supermarkets and other establishments.
At the same time, the Defensoría del Consumidor (DC) monitored advertising, promotions and special offers, as well as the websites of suppliers that marketed goods and services through e-commerce.

It also carried out inspections to protect consumers against the dissemination of misleading or false advertising, the right to information with prices in sight and labeling in spanish, as well as to avoid the sale at a higher price than the one offered and/or for purchases with credit or debit cards.