The Central America and Dominican Republic (CARD) region continues to show a good economic performance, according to the Monthly Economic Activity Report of the Secretaría del Consejo Monetario Centroamericano (SECMCA), the region shows an inter-annual variation of 3.61% in the economic activity index (IMAE). This growth reflects a sustained recovery in several countries, highlighting the region’s efforts to overcome the challenges arising from the pandemic and global changes.
El Salvador, one of the countries that has experienced a notable improvement, reported year-on-year growth of 1.62%, significantly higher than the 0.68% recorded in the same period last year. This rebound underscores the economic policies implemented by the government, which continue to drive the dynamism of its economy, especially in key sectors such as technology and remittances.
Countries such as the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and Guatemala led the region with the largest increases in economic activity. The Dominican Republic achieved a solid 4.74%, followed by Costa Rica with 3.68% and Guatemala with 3.61%. These results demonstrate the diversification and resilience of Central American economies in the face of external challenges.

In contrast, Honduras and Nicaragua recorded more moderate growth, with 3.47% and 0.64%, respectively, reflecting more contained variations in their productive sectors. However, the region as a whole showed positive progress, with a cumulative growth of 4.07% in the last year.
This economic outlook reflects a favorable trend for the countries of Central America and the Dominican Republic, with El Salvador standing out in the group of economies showing an accelerated recovery. Undoubtedly, the region continues to make solid progress, consolidating its position as a key player in the Latin American economy.