The Viceministerio de Transporte (VMT), headed by Nelson Reyes, informed that the institution is promoting an investment of US$50 million to improve road safety in El Salvador. This ambitious project includes the implementation of traffic fines, the modernization of the traffic light system, and the installation of sensors in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador and other localities. These measures seek to strengthen traffic control, reducing road accidents and improving traffic flow.
Reyes emphasized that this initiative not only ensures compliance with traffic regulations, but also represents a cultural change. “The programming of intelligent traffic lights is based on the assumption that drivers will respect the rules, such as not turning on double yellow lines or avoiding parking in preferential zones. This effort translates into an optimization of travel times”, explained the vice minister.

In addition, the project complements the implementation of digital fines with an automated system that will operate 24 hours a day, sanctioning those who violate the regulations. This comprehensive approach seeks to foster a culture of respect and responsibility on the roads.
In addition to these actions, the Fondo de Conservación Vial (FOVIAL) has invested US$5 million in road signs nationwide. According to Reyes, clear and intuitive signage is key to guarantee safety and traffic flow. This effort is complemented by the renovation of the traffic light system, a task that has been arduous but essential to achieve the objectives set.

The Government of Nayib Bukele thus reinforces its commitment to the welfare of salvadorans, prioritizing safe and efficient mobility as part of its development strategies. These measures seek not only to reduce accidents, but also to improve the quality of life of citizens through a more orderly and agile traffic.
With these projects, the country is moving towards a more modern and functional road system, where respect for the rules becomes a cornerstone for sustainable development.