El Salvador stands out as the country with the lowest rate for sending remittances in Latin America, according to a study conducted by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). In this study, the average cost of sending US$200 was evaluated, and El Salvador came out with a rate of 4.29%, which places it in a favorable position in the region, facilitating the sending of remittances to its citizens.

In contrast, Cuba leads the list of countries with the highest rates for sending remittances. The average cost of sending US$200 to Cuba is 16.22%, well above the average in other Latin American countries. It is followed by Paraguay with 7.41%, Jamaica with 6.57%, and Costa Rica with 6%. These high rates represent a significant burden for those sending money to relatives in these countries.
The countries with the lowest rates, in addition to El Salvador, include Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala. Mexico records an average cost of 4.7% to send US$200, Honduras 4.69%, and Guatemala 4.38%. These figures indicate that these countries have managed to maintain competitive rates compared to other countries in the region.

El Salvador has consolidated its position as the country with the most affordable cost for sending remittances, with an average of 4.29%. This low rate favors both senders and beneficiaries by reducing the economic burdens of international transactions, which is vital for a large part of the population that depends on this type of income.