The trustee of the Asociación Comunal de Agua La Única Esperanza de los Ocho Caseríos (Ascauneloc), Adelso Morán, has highlighted the significant improvements in drinking water service in the area thanks to an investment of more than US$104,000. The project, backed by the government and financed by the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) will benefit more than 3,000 residents of eight hamlets in Ahuachapán Sur.
Morán explained that the project has included both the construction of new infrastructure and the implementation of conservation and maintenance measures. Alfonso Pérez Hernández, minister Counselor of the Spanish Embassy in El Salvador, highlighted that the Spanish cooperation investment covers all phases of the project, including the installation of crucial pipelines for the distribution network.

“Today we are launching this project that will benefit more than 3,000 people in eight villages in Ahuachapán Sur. For this project, the Spanish cooperation has financed with more than US$104,000 dollars”, said Pérez Hernández.
Among the works carried out, 408 meters of water supply piping have been installed from the well to the tank, and another 408 meters for the distribution network. These improvements are essential to ensure a more efficient and safer drinking water supply for the community.
The success of this project demonstrates the importance of international collaboration in improving basic services and the positive impact it can have on the daily lives of salvadoran communities.