The Ministry of Economy has announced the upcoming arrival of foreign companies to El Salvador, with companies from Germany, South Korea, the United States and other countries interested in establishing operations.
According to the Minister of Economy, María Luisa Hayem, these companies have been attracted by the favorable conditions of the country, which include improvements in security and attractive tax incentives. This announcement represents an important step for foreign investment in salvadoran territory.

The conversations between the government and companies are at an advanced stage, and many of them arose from official visits to other countries. The minister highlighted that, during President Nayib Bukele’s participation in the UN General Assembly, there were meetings with American companies, and mentioned that something similar happened in Argentina, where companies in the infrastructure and technology sector have also shown interest in El Salvador.
One of the main factors that has encouraged this growing interest is the improvement in the country’s security, as well as the ease of doing business through the digitalization of government procedures. In this context, the alliance with Google has facilitated processes, allowing entrepreneurs to manage their projects digitally and receive official documentation electronically signed by the minister of Economy.

Minister Hayem also stressed the importance of regulations such as the Law for the Promotion of Innovation and Technological Manufacturing. This law has been key to attracting investments in sectors with high growth projections, contributing to the country’s economic development. One year after its implementation, more than 30 companies, both national and international, have benefited from this legislation.
El Salvador is receiving a significant injection of capital thanks to three main sources: the reinvestment of companies already established in the country, investments from the Salvadoran diaspora and the arrival of new foreign direct investment. These investments are boosting the Salvadoran economy and positioning the country as an attractive destination for international capital.