President Nayib Bukele has announced the opening of six new AgroMercados, bringing the total to 50 across the country. This expansion seeks to offer the population more options for fresh produce at affordable prices, in an effort to improve food security and support the local economy. With these new points of sale, the government reinforces its commitment to the well-being of salvadoran families.

The new AgroMercados are located in Santa Ana Este in El Congo, Cuscatlán Sur in San Rafael Cedros, San Vicente in Apastepeque, La Libertad in Zaragoza, Usulután in El Triunfo and San Miguel in Ciudad Barrios. Each of these markets, operated by 100% private traders, facilitates direct access to consumers by eliminating intermediaries, which translates into more competitive prices.

President Bukele emphasized that the AgroMercados not only offer fresh food, but also help alleviate the economic burden faced by many Salvadoran families. With hours of operation from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., these markets ensure that products are available at convenient times for consumers.
The initiative is part of a broader government plan to strengthen the local economy and ensure food security. By providing access to essential products at affordable prices, the new AgroMercados represent an important step in improving the quality of life in El Salvador.

The president announced that the AgroMercados network will continue to grow, with plans to open more locations in the future. Each market will offer a variety of products that exceed the price list published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, thus providing even more options to consumers and strengthening the government’s commitment to improving the local economy.