In order to highlight both progress and areas of opportunity, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), analyzes labor income in El Salvador. It highlights that, at the national level, the average income is US$367.45, a figure that is close to the minimum wage for the commerce and services sector, which is US$365.00. This indicator reflects progress in the economy, but also points to the need to continue working to ensure that labor income covers basic needs in all of the country’s municipalities.
In some municipalities in the Eastern Zone, such as San Miguel Norte, Morazán Norte, and Usulután Oeste, labor income is below US$240.00 per month. However, these areas represent a great potential for the implementation of economic development policies that promote the growth of formal and better paying jobs, thus improving the quality of life of their inhabitants.

There are municipalities that stand out for having labor incomes above US$500.00, such as La Libertad Este (US$551.08) and San Salvador Centro (US$512.12). These territories demonstrate that it is possible to generate favorable labor conditions, and can serve as an example for other regions seeking to improve their income levels. Although the cost of the Expanded Basic Food Basket in the urban area is US$504.80, this income allows families to come close to covering their needs more comfortably.
The disparity in income between different municipalities underscores the importance of continuing to promote territorial economic development in a balanced manner. In this sense, the UNDP report highlights the opportunity to strengthen collaboration between the public and private sectors to increase labor income in less developed areas, promoting projects that generate a positive impact on their communities.

Although challenges persist in terms of labor income, El Salvador has a solid foundation from which to build. A focus on equitable development and continuous improvement of labor conditions will allow more Salvadorans to have access to a dignified life and better opportunities in the future.