In november 2024, El Salvador’s Dirección General de Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minas (DGEHM) announced a slight increase in liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) prices compared to the previous month. The 35-pound cylinder, which is one of the most in-demand by Salvadoran families, is priced at US$15.50 with the general subsidy, which represents an increase of US$0.13 compared to the US$15.37 it cost in october.
However, with the targeted subsidy, its cost is US$7.46, also rising slightly from US$7.33 last month.

The 25-pound cylinder, another popular size in households, also saw an increase. Its price with the general subsidy is now US$11.13, compared to US$11.04 in october. For those with the targeted subsidy, the price of this cylinder rose to US$3.09, increasing by nine cents from US$3.00 the previous month.

For the 20-pound cylinder, the price with the general subsidy was set at US$8.98, while with the targeted subsidy, beneficiaries will pay only US$0.94. This means an increase of cents in both categories, which mainly affects consumers who depend on this size of cylinder for their energy needs.

The 10-pound cylinder also reflects a change in its price, standing at US$4.61 with the general subsidy. However, the price with a targeted subsidy remains at US$0.00, which allows users with fewer resources to access this size at no cost, being a support measure for lower-income families.

These adjustments in propane gas prices respond to variations in the international market and the government has reiterated its commitment to maintain the targeted subsidy to mitigate the impact on lower-income families.