The Agencia de Promoción de Inversión y Exportaciones has reported that the Historic Center of San Salvador, along with other areas of the capital and nearby districts, concentrates investments in excess of US$1 billion, including the tourism sector. The minister of Tourism, Morena Valdez, has reported the development of new investments in the main tourist centers of the country, such as the Historic Center of San Salvador, Zona Rosa, and Surf City in La Libertad. This growth in the sector is evident in the increase in the number of international tourists, which up to july of this year reached 2.3 million, generating revenues of US$2,223 million, a record figure.

The private sector is beginning to invest in tourism areas, thanks to the conditions established by the government. The main challenge is to attract new investments from other investors who can share their experiences in the country. Among the main centers of development, the Historic Center of San Salvador stands out, which during the august vacations received 650,000 visitors, according to the Ministerio de Turismo (Mitur). More than 65 projects with investments of more than US$65 million are being carried out in the core of the capital, according to the Autoridad de Planificación del Centro Histórico de San Salvador (Aplan).
More than 10 projects are underway in key areas such as-accom and restaurants and cafes-which are expected to start operating this year. High-value areas of the capital, such as Zona Rosa, San Benito, Escalón, San Francisco and parts of Antiguo Cuscatlán, Nuevo Cuscatlán and Santa Tecla in La Libertad, concentrate most of the more than 40 construction projects underway, with investments exceeding US$1 billion, according to the Planning Office of the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador.

In addition, the Government of El Salvador is working on public tourism infrastructure, as evidenced by the $106 million loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for projects in the eastern part of the country, as highlighted by the minister of Tourism.