Domestic tourism in El Salvador has shown a remarkable boom during the current vacation period, with the arrival of almost 949,000 salvadorans to various destinations in the country. According to the Instituto Salvadoreño de Turismo (ISTU), of this total, 41.8% have visited the Sivarland amusement park, totaling 397,000 people who have enjoyed its attractions.
18.4% of national tourism has been concentrated in public tourist sites. Among these, the historic center of San Salvador has received 168,000 visitors, while 108,000 have gone to public beaches. In addition, 94,000 salvadorans have explored public cultural sites and 7,000 have entered Natural Protected Areas.

This saturday, the National Palace opened its doors to the public, and the ISTU reported that during the weekend it received 9,000 visitors, both national and foreign. This opening has been a significant attraction for tourists interested in the history and architecture of the country.

As for international tourism, the government estimates that by august 7, more than 78,000 foreign tourists will have been received, generating revenues in excess of US$87 million for the national economy. The boom in domestic tourism and the arrival of international visitors have proven to be an important engine for the Salvadoran economy, with a large participation in different tourist destinations and a positive projection for the end of the holiday period.