The Health, Agriculture and Environment Commission approved the reform of the Law of the Superintendencia de Regulación Sanitaria (SRS) to modify the organic structure of the institution and thus make the administrative activity more efficient and avoid red tape in sanitary registrations.
With this update, the Superintendencia de Regulación Sanitaria (SRS) will be created, as the law contemplates, after having been approved in November 2023 and will enter into force in August of this year.
To have a single agile, efficient institution that monitors, registers and certifies products for human and animal consumption, the deputies of the Health, Agriculture and Environment Commission unanimously approved the reform of the Law of the Superintendencia de Regulación Sanitaria (SRS).
The purpose is to exercise technical, specialized, modern and permanent control and surveillance with a focus on continuous improvement, promoting the business climate, competitiveness, foreign trade and the attraction of investments, but, above all, preserving the health of the population by guaranteeing the quality, efficacy, safety, availability, safety, accessibility and rational use of the products subject to regulation.

This entity will regulate the sanitary registration and grant authorizations for the commercialization of medicines, cosmetics, food and beverages and agricultural inputs.
Currently, the Ministerio de Salud (MINSAL), Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) Dirección Nacional de Medicamentos (DNM) and the Consejo Superior de Salud Pública (CSSP) are in charge of regulation.
The regulations will update an institutional framework and centralize these competencies in a single entity, with international norms and standards. To be more efficient and effective, it is necessary to centralize the work in a single entity.