Personnel from the Dirección General de Impuestos Internos (DGII) and the Dirección General de Aduanas were trained on topics related to the Central American Customs Union, benefits of Integrated Operations, as well as the Régimen de Libre Circulación y la Factura y Declaración Única Centroamericana (FYDUCA), within the framework of the Deep Integration with Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.

The workshop was organized by USAID, with the objective of strengthening the capacities of the Tax Administration, providing theoretical and practical knowledge of the Customs Union Deep Integration Process, taught by specialists in customs and internal taxes, as well as from the Secretaría de Integración Económica Centroamericana (SIECA).
During the workshop, the Director General of Customs, Benjamin Mayorga, said “At Customs we are committed to implementing new processes that help us to be more agile in the services we provide. The preparation of our personnel is fundamental for these trade facilitation tools to work in the best possible way”.

The Director General of Internal Taxes, Marvin Sorto, highlighted some of the advantages of FYDUCA, such as trade facilitation, time reduction at borders and optimization of customs processes, promoting regional integration and trade opportunities. The FYDUCA is an electronic legal document that will serve when implemented to document transfers and acquisitions of goods with free circulation, which are traded between VAT taxpayers in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.