As part of the sugar agroindustry’s commitment to environmental conservation and agricultural sustainability, the sugar sector, through FUNDAZUCAR, held the 5th Forum, entitled Facing unforeseen climate scenarios: Synergies of the sugar sector, Let’s act now!

Understanding climate scenarios in order to adopt adaptation and mitigation solutions is essential for the Salvadoran sugar sector, as it seeks to achieve a more climate resilient agriculture and achieve solutions together with key actors such as sugar cane producers, sugar mills and government sector. Therefore, the V. Sugar Sector Forum aimed to share and reflect on future climate change scenarios, perspectives, challenges and opportunities for the sugar agroindustry.

International experts delivered keynote speeches
Marco Tax Marroquín, Director of Operations of the Instituto Privado de Investigación sobre Cambio Climático (ICC), gave a presentation on the challenges of green harvesting in the sugarcane sector in El Salvador: future challenges. This presentation addressed the challenges of green harvesting of sugarcane, as well as the priorities to be considered for its implementation, the environmental benefits and its implication in agricultural sustainability.
Risk analysis: climate and water scenarios for the sugar sector, by Cynthia Alfaro Martínez, director of environmental sustainability at Valora Consultores. This presentation analyzed the different risk scenarios that climate change represents for agroindustrial sectors, the impact they entail and the opportunities.

How do we imagine the salvadoran sugar agroindustry in the year 2050?”
Likewise, a discussion entitled “How do we imagine the salvadoran sugar agroindustry in the year 2050?” was held in order to explore synergies with all the actors in the sugar value chain in search of sustainability. The discussion was moderated by Mr. Tomás Regalado Papini, President of FUNDAZUCAR and included the participation of Mr. José Abrego, president of the Asociación de Técnicos Azucareros de El Salvador (ATASAL); Mr. Luis Girón, factory manager of Ingenio Chaparrastique and Mr. Oscar Orellana, president of the Asociación de Productores de Caña de El Salvador (PROCAÑA).

“In this fifth forum that we have developed, the different sectors analyzed sustainability trends and the sustainable future of the sugar sector; and how to address climate change to achieve sustainability of the salvadoran sugar agribusiness”, said Mr. Tomás Regalado, president of FUNDAZUCAR.
Through this forum the sugar sector, through FUNDAZUCAR, seeks to manage a change, moving from a traditional agricultural approach to a management approach of adaptation and mitigation to climate variability, thus minimizing the impacts of climate change.