Investing does not always require large sums of money. There are affordable options for those who want to start generating passive income with small amounts. These methods allow people to grow their money gradually, while minimizing risks and diversifying their investments.
One of the most popular ways is through high-yield savings accounts. Although they do not offer spectacular returns, they are safe and allow interest to accumulate on deposits without much effort. In addition, with the rise of fintechs, many platforms offer better rates than traditional banks, making them an attractive option to start with.

Another simple option is to invest in index funds, which allow diversifying an investment with minimum amounts. These funds replicate the performance of a stock market index, such as the S&P 500, and offer a way to benefit from market growth without the need to be an investment expert. In addition, fees are usually low, maximizing long-term performance.
For those looking for something different, real estate crowdfunding platforms allow small amounts to be invested in real estate projects. Through these platforms, users can acquire shares in properties, receiving income from rents or the appreciation of the property. It is an affordable way to invest in real estate without having to buy an entire property.
Low-risk government or corporate bonds are an alternative that, although they do not generate high returns, offer stability and allow interest income to accumulate steadily. Together, all these options allow anyone, regardless of the initial amount, to start investing and generate passive income in a simple and safe way.