Loans in the consumer sector reached US$5,625.9 million in july 2024, representing 33.2% of the total gross loan portfolio, with an increase of US$307.8 million (5.8%) compared to the same month of the previous year. This growth places consumption as the sector with the highest loan volume, according to the updated report of the Asociación Bancaria Salvadoreña (ABANSA).
In general terms, the gross loan portfolio reached a total of US$16,923.3 million in july 2024, which means an increase of US$906.6 million (5.7%) with respect to July 2023, when it reached US$16,016.7 million. Among the outstanding sectors, housing also showed a significant increase, with an additional US$108.4 million, reaching US$2,801.2 million (16.6% of the total).

The commerce sector also experienced notable growth, registering US$2,597.6 million in loans, an increase of 8.4% year-on-year, with an additional US$201.5 million compared to july 2023. The manufacturing industry, meanwhile, reached US$1,627.2 million, showing a moderate increase of 5.3%.
Regarding delinquency, the report highlights that in july 2024 it stood at 1.92%, a lower figure than that recorded in july 2023, suggesting an improvement in the quality of loans granted. These data reflect a stable outlook for the Salvadoran financial sector in terms of growth and credit risk management.