The Fundación Ciudadana por un Consumo Responsable, has announced the inflation ranking of the 19 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, showing a percentage of -0.12% deflation to 4% inflation in july 2024.
El Salvador continues to demonstrate economic stability, registering a monthly inflation of 0.29% in july 2024. This figure places the country in sixth place among the nations with the lowest inflation in Latin America and the Caribbean, highlighting its ability to control prices despite global economic challenges.

Inflation in El Salvador remains significantly below the regional average, which in some countries such as Mexico and Argentina reached alarming levels of 1.05% and 4% respectively. Costa Rica leads the list with a deflation of -0.12%, reflecting a reduction in prices during the month.
Other countries in the region such as Paraguay, Panama and Nicaragua also reported low inflation rates, while larger economies, such as Brazil and Mexico, faced more pronounced increases in their consumer price indexes.
The ranking underlines the importance of economic policies in containing inflation and positions El Salvador as an example of stability in a regional context facing large variations in prices.